Saturday, May 15, 2010

The tooth fairy forgot to call - three nights in a row; what do I do?

That stupid fairy keeps missing us on her list, hasn't called for the past three days - she's obviously very busy or something. How can I make this up to my son???

The tooth fairy forgot to call - three nights in a row; what do I do?
Write a letter put it in an envolope and put it with the post with his name on. And put some money in the envolope and say that she was busy making toys with santa. Just faking that the letter came through the post!
Reply:Why don't you help the tooth fairy out and swop the tooth for money yourself. Put the tooth in a safe place sure she will come round sooner or later!!!
Reply:just wait more, she'll come.... trust me.
Reply:I am guessing that you mean you have forgotten to exchange tooth for money 3 nights in a row---well, why not make up a cutesy letter from the tooth fairy, saying something to the effect about an emergency in toothland, of some type, (Complete with fairy glitter), and an apology for being late...and an extra quarter for the inconvenience. And leave that along with the money.
Reply:Help your son to write a letter to the fairies and explain you now require interest!
Reply:i had the same problem not long ago unless you or your son have already done it have a good look around under the bed her gift may have fallen out from under the pillow.
Reply:put the damn money under his pillow your self and dont forget to triple the amount.
Reply:Do what you need to do. Get someone to write a note and explain why the tooth fairy did not comeLeave the amount under the plillow.
Reply:make sure the fairy gives double the regular amount of money
Reply:First off do not feel bad I have done that more than once. Try to tell your son with Christmas around the corner she may be helping Santa out or something like that. Tell him to try again tonight. Just try not to forget.=))
Reply:ithink you may be in for a suprise here but the toothfairy is busy helping santa till later in the month . so for the time being you will have to find other ways of earning extra cash without pulling your teeth out
Reply:Ya, if you belive in the tooth fairy your stupid!!!!!!!!!!! you just need to quit forgetting.....
Reply:She is helping Santa and did not have the time to come.
Reply:Hello girls and boys I'm the tooth fairy I'd like to apologise for not showing up, I was recently declared bankrupt as I spent all my money on sweets and sugar, I'll be returning to work soon, as I have managed to make a few quid setting up a candy stall. Now remember always brush your teeth, eat well and fight the plaque. Bu bye. x
Reply:don't be tight this is the season of goodwill pull all your teeth out
Reply:I have done the same so many times. I have stayed up so many nights writing letters pretending they are from the tooth fairy (don't forget to disguise your handwriting and write as small and whimsical as possible). Now my kids expect a letter each time they loose a tooth. Do yourself a favour and don't every forget again. It might help saying that she ran out of change and had to make a second/third trip. Giving more money helps too.
Reply:Have her leave a note explaining how she was busy, and leave a little extra money. He'll be thrilled to have recieved a letter from the tooth fairy herself.
Reply:Just tell him the tooth fairy doesn't exist, and if he wants money he should get a job!
Reply:replace the tooth yourself.
Reply:Just give the child the money you meany.
Reply:sack me! but first you have gotta find me!

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