Saturday, May 15, 2010

Parents please help. Tooth fairy question...?

My 5 year old son just lost his first tooth. much money do I give him? What did you guys do? Also, he is a VERY LIGHT SLEEPER. How do I give the money and get the tooth out from under his pillow? What other ideas do you have. I am very nervous, as this is my oldest son and I have never went through this before.

Parents please help. Tooth fairy question...?
I give my child two dollars for the first tooth, a dollar after

Put the tooth in a plastic bag, so it's easy to find

Put the bag close to the edge of the bed

If he wakes up, kiss him, and tell him you are just checking on him

Try again

Good luck
Reply:dress up in a toothfairy costume and go his bedroom so when he wakes up, it will be even more believable- just make sure he doesn't follow you or an even spell will be cast on him
Reply:my mom always forgot. so anything then that will be better lol. why dont you put it on his dresser
Reply:One to five dollars depending on what you're willing. You could always put it under his pillow under his bed before he goes into his room if you're really worried about him waking up. How exciting! Have fun!
Reply:my daughter was afraid of the tooth fairy so we would put the tooth in an envelope taped to her closed bedroom door.
Reply:Don't put it under the pillow, have it in a box and have him decorate it for the tooth fairy, then tell him he has to leave it outside, because the toothfairy doesn't come in the house anymore. Then just take out the tooth and put in a dollar.

Good luck
Reply:try giving him like 3 or 4 dollars, just incase you know money might get tight in the house, u dont want to be giving him10 dollars to start and then him expacting 10 dollars for all the other teeth he loses. As for the light sleeping, you can set the tooth very close to the end of his bed, and then at night it wont be as difficult.
Reply:You can leave any amount. I left $5 for his 1st tooth. I had to leave the gift on the dresser with a tooth fairy pillow. I explained the tooth fairy leaves different amount each time. Depends on how much cash she had by the end of her rounds...LOL

With my daughter she got Kelley dolls (Barbie's little sister) sometimes.

Whatever you want, be creative.

My parents gave me $2 or silver coins which I thought was cool. However I never really got the chance with my 1st born as he lost all of his quickly. LOL But be creative. That the main thing. That way when he figures it out, its not this big deal like Santa. :)
Reply:I always have had my kids put the tooth in a small (sandwich size) zip lock bag and then make sure they place it under the pillow near an edge so that you can slip it out easily. Then put the money back underneath but not in a bag. Dollar bills vs. coins are easier to deal with. My 7 yr old always asks for $5 so that's what I leave for him. Sometimes, I write cute notes from the Tooth Fairy. My eldest is 14 and she thinks it's great how much trouble I went to when she was little (once she discovered it was me). She has kept all the notes and pictures she got from the Tooth Fairy and has them tied up with a ribbon in her drawer. Good memories. Enjoy!
Reply:What we did is left the tooth under the pillow and wrote a special note from the toothe fairy saying since it was his first lost toothe mom and dad wanted to save it. We made a special place for picking up the toothe and for money ( IN THE LETTER) exchange for the next toothe. My son thought he was really special since he got a note and money.

We gave a couple of dollars and a new toothe brush and crayons and coloring book about teeth. ( The note said toothe fairy couldn't leave all that under his pillow also.)
Reply:i'd say to give your son about 1 to 5 dollars min to max. That is how much i used to get. however don't give him too much or else he might want more and expect more from you. so give him a median amount and tell him that his next tooth falling out will give himless money.

Vote for SAnjaya!!!!
Reply:5.00 seems to be the average amount left. The best way to trade out the tooth is to get two exact little bags. in one, put the tooth and n the other, put the money. do a quick switch while he sleeps very carefully, make sure you leave his door open "for the tooth fairy to get into his room" so it will be easier. also, make sure the bag is not all the way under the pillow so it won't disturb him when you make the switch.
Reply:I have always given my children at least a 1.00 per tooth, that way they can pick from a large selection of things from the Dollar store or the Dollar tree. As for how to get the money under his pillow while he is sleeping. I'd use a decorated envelope or something that you could put a small hole on and leave a piece of ribbon hanging from to pull it out from under his pillow. Getting it back under the pillow might be a trick, but you can trick him by giving him kisses or something if he is waking up you can quickly and quietly slip the envelope back under there. Good luck!
Reply:i always leave a 2 dollar bill or silver dollar, you just need to be sneaky
Reply:$5?!?! Call me cheap, but that seems like a lot for a tooth, he's only 5. I left my son a dollar and he was happy! At that age, a dollar is a lot of money. Plus you don't want to go broke now that he's starting to lose his teeth!
Reply:His 1st tooth maybe few dollars. next teeth $1. When he puts it under his pillow try to keep it towards the edge. Tell him so the tooth fairy can reach it. I have forgotten my son's 1 time and he came down in the morning and said there was nothing there. I said let me look, and I went up and said look! it fell behind your bed. if your afraid of waking him. or on the floor next to the bed. and say it musta fell. I also could not get 1 of my Daughtes teeth out from under her pillow and I just told her sometimes she will leave it for you to keep if she has enough teeth that night. The 1st tooth I wanted to keep in the memory book so I said that she lets you keep your 1st 1 to do that.
Reply:There are lots of ways to handle this!

For my children, their first tooth was worth four dollars and each one after that is worth two. This should be modified to reflect your family's income level, etc. we always encouraged ours to reserve ten percent for tithe and ten percent for long term savings.

As for the light sleeper thing, just put a plan in place now that will be the 'norm' for your family. I read about one family who had found a small figurine of a fairy with her hand open, so they would put the figure on the headboard or night-stand and place the tooth in the hand. The tooth fairy leaves the money on the headboard and the tooth is gone in the morning.

In our house the fairy always brings nice, crisp dollar bills. (She has spent many a late night ironing and spray starching them!!) You can also order some stickers (see below) that replace the president photo with the fairy photo. If you go this route, be sure to order a LOT of them, as if your children get familiar with this type of dollar and the fairy runs out of stickers, it can demolish a nicely built fantasy world!

Another thing you may encounter: My kids always wanted to leave the fairy, (the E. Bunny, S. Clausm, etc) notes asking questions and asking for a response. If you ever start to respond to these, it will be very hard to stop it. I ordered special glittered paper of various colors that I used for nothing but responding to these notes and letters. This must be stored in a very private place. In order to make sure the paper is really from the "magical" place, after it has been printed or handwritten, it gets gently ironed with a layer of wax paper over it to give it a unusual texture that is hard to find and hard to question it's magical origin.

Good luck, Have fun with this amazing time in your child's life.


S. Claus

E. Bunny

T. Fairy
Reply:We had a little pillow with a pocket on the front of it...I made it. My daughter would put the tooth in the pocket and put it near her bed. I then would replace the tooth with a little note and a dollar. Don't go over board with the money thing, 1 dollar is a lot to a little kid, I think she was always more excited about the note from the tooth fairy then getting the money.
Reply:I have Washington and Sacajawea coins hidden and ready for just these occasions. Write a note in the smallest hand writing "fairy size" stating that since he is such a light sleeper she/he had to put the coin beside his bed so her could secret identity would not be found out. The first tooth is two coins then the rest one coin.
Reply:first tooth give him something special not just money get him a teddy bear with a tooth holder or something

as for money since it's a first tooth give him enough to buy something special if you want to give money

put it on his dresser and tell him you told the tooth fairy he sleeps light and she didnt want to wake him

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