Saturday, May 15, 2010

Tooth fairy for 7 year old first tooth lost?

My son lost his first tooth today on the bottom. What should the toothfairy give?

Tooth fairy for 7 year old first tooth lost?
I'd say about $5. That's how much I got for mine.

I've known people who got $20 for their tooth, but that seems outrageous!
Reply:$1? Change just doesn't cut it for kids who are older than 7 anymore. :)
Reply:This is funny!!!

We were out of town visiting family when my son lost his first tooth, I guess everyone thought that I would forget to give him money so they all slipped some under his pillow...the "Tooth Fairy" left my son $30 that night...but every tooth after that has gotten him a dollar!
Reply:Since it's the first tooth, I would say $5.

Hope he enjoys the money!!!
Reply:Give him $2. It'll only end up costing you $60 in the long run to see the excitement on his face. Well worth the price of admission.
Reply:either 5 dollars OR a beanie baby or something like that
Reply:The Tooth Fairy brings $5 for the first tooth and $1 for every tooth after.

She also puts the first tooth under Mommy's pillow as a special present
Reply:"My son lost his first tooth today on the bottom."

That is unusual. Most people only have teeth in their mouths. You better take him to a doctor.
Reply:as you obviously know the tooth fairy does not exist. and understand now that your son is 7 he will be frequenting this event. so the first tooth should be something that is cool and all but money is an old thing. give him a small item that he will appreciate and enjoy for awhile (around a month) put a small sticker on it that looks legit and says: From The Tooth Fairy To (insert son's name here). from that tooth on give him smaller items maybe a five dollar gift card to seven eleven, or sweet factory.


if you prefer to go with money make sure its a reasonable sum for a 7 year old. maybe like $25 and from that tooth on give him $15 or $10.

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