Monday, November 16, 2009

Who did you figure out was BS first? Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, or the Tooth Fairy?

and how?

I figured out about the tooth fairy first.. and in the moments of confrontation with my mother about where my teeth were I figured out about the Easter Bunny as well. It took me a few more months to catch on about Santa.

Who did you figure out was BS first? Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, or the Tooth Fairy?
Santa, when I realized my mom always knew which toys "santa meant to give that toy to your sister..." and then I saw a drunk Santa passed out inside a big climbing toy and he looked like

I still believe the tooth fairies take the teeth to the beach....don't they??????
Reply:The Easter Bunny, lol, I always knew his little furry @ss wasn't real, lol!!
Reply:i was always skeptic about santa claus... since I was like 5 my mom has told me funny stories about how i wasn't gullible and was ruining it for my sister ha ha
Reply:Oh my god.......!!!!!!!!!!! THEY AREN'T REAL????


Sniff... big meanie! You burst my bubble!! LMAO
Reply:the tooth fairy. i never got my money for that tooth i lost. :/
Reply:i found out when i found my toys hidden i the front room closet.
Reply:santa. But the worst thing was my younger sis found out before I did!

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