Thursday, November 12, 2009

Daughter Told Little Brothers There Is No Tooth Fairy!!?

Is the magic over??

In a fit of maniacal anger (my bad), our daughter told her two little brothers that there is no tooth fairy, and that it was me. When I said "Don't be silly" she shouted "I'll prove it!" and showed everyone her old tooth in a purple tooth fairy bag in her Dad's closet. (way to hide things, honey). I'm not mad that she found out the truth, but I'm pissed that she told her brothers, one of whom hasn't even had the tooth fairy visit yet!! I was all, "No, honeys, that's Daddy's cousin's daughter's tooth that we were keeping and she was too old for the tooth fairy..."

Lame, I know, but what should I do?

Which magical being is the next to fall??

Daughter Told Little Brothers There Is No Tooth Fairy!!?
HAHA!... My 13 y/o step son, in a tantrum state, told my 7 y/o daughter that there was no Santa Claus... That Daddy and Mommy bought the presents... I told her that he was just jealous cause he knew he was getting snot in his stocking for Xmas (cause of his grades)... just keep telling them that its only cause the older sibling is mad and sometimes if the parents ask nicely.....the tooth fairy lets them keep one tooth from each child. I told that lie myself...

Reply:growing up, i never believed in the tooth fairy or santa claus or anything nonexistent. my parents never really cared to falsely mislead me with fictitious stories. sure my mom told me to put a tooth under the pillow and it became a dollar the next morning.. but i was smart enough to know it was my mom. i eventually just told my mom "just give me the dollar now and you can throw my tooth away for me."

i think it's perfectly okay for a child to not believe in the tooth fairy. because they'll find out the truth eventually.. better to find out sooner than later, right?
Reply:pull your son aside and tell him that if he don't believe then the tooth fairy will not come and that is why his sister told him that she wants all the money for herself it works

my sons teacher told the whole class there is no Santa i was livid i called my ex and told him he better take care of this my son is 11 y/o and still believes in Santa the tooth fairy and Easter bunny year knomes
Reply:i never really believed in the tooth fairy, easter bunny or santa claus because my culture is different. i knew who they were because i am american and knew all the myths. i still had a good imagination and lots of "magic" in my life. the circus, movie theaters, amusement parks, museums, aquarium, the farm and the zoo were all magical to me.
Reply:I have a soon to be 6 year old little boy who watches Bearenstein Bears, Max %26amp; Ruby well a lot of shows on Treehouse Tv (We live in London, ON) and a lot of these shows have topics like this. I have a 14 %26amp; 12 year old neice %26amp; nephew and they both know there isn't a tooth fairy, santa claus, etc. etc. but watching these shows my son gives out different things like small gifts, cards and sometimes money and he'll tell them. Now I have given him hints that I was Santa Claus, the easter bunny and the tooth fairy and he says no your not u'r mommy!

I guess the next time u'r other child losses a tooth or doesn't get an ester egg or as many gifts at christmas time he'll learn. lol

Anther thing...

The "tooth Fairy" always gives the first tooth to mommy for safe keepings!!!!! I bet he didn't know that????
Reply:First of all WHY is a child ALLOWED to go into a parent's closet? Don't blame your husband for "hiding" things in there, the children have NO BUSINESS being in that closet to begin with...Way to go mom for ALLOWING that sort of behavior.


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