Thursday, November 12, 2009

Did the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy or Santa ever forget to visit you?

I think this is every child's worst fear and also every PARENTS worst fear. lol

One of my favorite Mad TV skits is one where I think you hear the kids yell "It's Christmas". Then a little while later they run to their parents room saying "Santa forgot to come!" The parents kind of look at each other in shock! lol Turns out Santa left gifts in the closet. The poor kids got shoes to big to fit them and other junk. lol

As for me: One time when I was about 8 or so we were on vacation. I had lost a tooth and I was so worried the Tooth Fairy wouldn't know where I was. I woke up the next morning and reached under my pillow and found nothing. I was in tears. My dad DEMANDED that she did come. We found the money inside the fold out sofa where it had fallen. lol

As parents my hubby and I sometimes write the "Tooth fairy" reminder so she won't forget to visit. ; )

So will this year since Easter is so early. Think the Easter bunny will remember? lol

Did the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy or Santa ever forget to visit you?
Yeah, when I was six my parents used to take me to the mall to meet The Easter Bunny and Santa. The tooth fairy always came lol. But I guess once I got older I figured out on my own that none of those did really exist, not casue my parents messed up lol. I'm 13 now tho, so i haven't had to think about that stuff 4 awhile considering i dont beleive but i dont have kids to convince lol.
Reply:toth fairy for got me 3 years ago and i was was because i lost my tooth at like 4:00 in tha morning lol
Reply:NO BUT 1 ST NICOLAS DAY thats the day you put your shoes out. my mom forgot to fill it so she trew stuff out on front lawn from her bedroom window.

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