Friday, May 21, 2010

Is the tooth fairy a gay dentist?

That may well be. He visited our house last week and while he was here he redecorated the entire house. He put a Bette Midler CD under my daughter's pillow. Good to have you back again. I have missed your wit and compassion. So, you had a Philly Cheesesteak Sandwich instead? I hear that the Portland Cheesesteak Sandwiches are much better. Of course you know I am kidding. My e-mail address is my Yahoo name and This really works. I have been coresponding with Marianne for several months. I may have irked a few people with my Democratic diatribes, so I am leery of exposing myself to those I might have offended. You are a breath of fresh air.

Is the tooth fairy a gay dentist?
Yes. He has you lay back in the chair belly down.
Reply:Who said the tooth fairy was male?
Reply:Abso-f*cking-lutely. And he is open at night.

Hey soul-lily: Who said dentists are all men?
Reply:lol, probably
Reply:only if he has wings
Reply:If he is, what does he do with the teeth when he gets them?
Reply:no, not to my knowledge
Reply:who said that the tooth fairy is a male for all we know it could be a female?
Reply:thats what me papa told me
Reply:AH HA HA the alien is right!!!!!!
Reply:no it's a girl
Reply:i knew it!!!! im gonna catch that little freak and hang her until she gives me all the fricken money!!!
Reply:Ask your toothbrushes - once they're finished.
Reply:OMG! This question is offensive to gay dentists everywhere! I,m reporting you ;-)

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