Monday, May 17, 2010

Tooth fairy, Santa Claus, Moon is made from cheese?

Why do people tell these lies to their kids and in anther breath tell them that it's wrong to lie?

Tooth fairy, Santa Claus, Moon is made from cheese?
There is a whole world of difference between lying to your kids and letting them believe that there is magic and mystery out there. This world is crap enough as it is, what future do we give our kids if you dont believe in teaching them all the wonders that are there for them to learn about. I would have hated growing up knowing just about wars, fighting, negative things. If you have children, or plan to have, would you read them fairy stories, which give the children fantastic imaginations and help them to express their thoughts and feelings in imagination play. There are children in this world, especially in war torn or third world countries who dont have the luxury of fairy stories and such to encourage them to explore their own lives and futures, they live in hell day after day, and if a little bit of magic and wonder was given to them, they would at least be able to get through each day a bit easier. Would you stop a child from playing an imagination game because you think they shouldnt play "pretend", as pretend means lying about the reality around you. We have to give our children something to smile about and wonder about in a world that doesnt really have much wonder left in it now.
Reply:I'm not sure. Perhaps it has something to do with tradition.
Reply:to fool them into having hope and life is full of magic
Reply:thats a very good point have a star!!
Reply:Got to be tradition, though I don't think many kids are told the moon is made of cheese, but ya never know...
Reply:If you lie the Boogie man will get you. Those are called white lies. perfectly acceptable in a free society. But will you still love me in the morning. ( white lie) yes I will.
Reply:Those are lies????
Reply:I never saw this as lying as such, makes childhood more magical
Reply:what ! the tooth fairy and santa are not real !!!!!!!!
Reply:i dont know about the moon made of cheese but the for the likes of Santa and the tooth fairy its something for the kids its like fairy tail you need to put a bit of sparkle and magic into childhood dont u remember trying to stay awake on Xmas eve tryin to see Santa a bit of fantasy in life nothing wrong with that :)
Reply:WHAT...? Dont tell me they are lies...
Reply:its all part of growing up, and mum,dad and child relationship i guess


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