Monday, May 17, 2010

Tooth Fairy, Shrek, Harry Potter, God, Superman, Lochness Monster, what do they have in common?

Only the seriously deluded argue that they do indeed exist. Everyone else takes for granted that they don't. But my question is this, do you ever argue about the existence of your parents? How about the people around you? Do you argue that your great grand parents used to be here? Why or why not, and how does this relate to the god argument?

Tooth Fairy, Shrek, Harry Potter, God, Superman, Lochness Monster, what do they have in common?
Each of them generates revenue for the economy.

If something exists, you don't need to believe in it.

Harry Potter is real. He lives in our hearts.
Reply:have you been sniffing the nail polish?
Reply:The Lochness Monster, and God do not belong on that list, as they are two things both believed by many to be real, i seriously doubt anyone believes in the other 4.
Reply:None of them exist!

and no i don't waste my time arguing that my parents exist ^_^

i guess what your trying to say is that we shouldn't waste our time arguing about god???
Reply:All of these except for God do not exist and are therefore fictional characters that we conjure up in our minds and make movies and write books about.
Reply:Non reality.

No I don't argue with my Parents about God.

I don't believe it is my place to.

Let God argue with them.
Reply:well my great grandparents didn't die 2000 yrs i know someone that knew them...BUT i also know that my great great great great great great grandparents existed, and I don't know anyone who knew them or even anyone who knows someone that knew them.
Reply:all of them except God has serious freak followers; at least God just has people like you who will cry out his name in your last breath whether you want to or not
Reply:Thats a difficult question to answer.

But I would begin to say that, Reality is an Illusion, as well as Democratic.

To think of it as anything else, is to be a fool.
Reply:the tooth fairy is our parents, shrek lives as a puppet person, harry potter exists.....there has to be atleast 1 person with the same 1st and last name!!!!God.psh!!!no drr hes real if we are real he is real... your superman is the peson that always saves u when ur down and ur hero..,, loicness moster there is SOMETHING in the lake so even if its just a oversized normal fish it still exists..... in a way they all are real and some or for sure real.......... but how peeple put it none of them exist(except 4 god)

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